Graduate Job Hunting Part3_Post

To help you navigate the unique difficulties, dilemmas and demands that dyslexic job hunting entails. We’ve teamed up with Target Jobs to bring you this 5 part blog post. Read other posts in this series here.

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Going through online psychometric tests

Online tests can be particularly difficult for students with dyslexia so ask for extra time if you think you might need it. The employer may be able to offer an alternative assessment format, for example one that isn’t multiple choice. You may also be able to request a paper copy, different font size or different colour if you find reading on screen difficult.

Practise makes perfect

The best thing to do is get lots of practice. There are plenty of free sample tests online that you can go through. If you are sent a link to the test via email, check the deadline and make sure you take as much time as you need to practise; you usually don’t have to complete the test straight away.

This video takes a more in-depth look at the different types and reasons for psychometric testing.

If you want to get some practise in before you need to do a test for real, try one of the mock tests on these sites.

Find more info here.

Elements of this post were originally published on the Target Jobs website

Read Part 4 HERE:

Graduate Job Hunting Part4_Feature

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